Class III

The Biological Safety Cabinet Class III is designed to provide the highest level of containment when working with hazardous materials involving highly infectious microbiological agents in BSL-4 Cabinet laboratories. These gas-tight enclosures protect the operator, the environment as well as the work in progress.

Class III Type Biological Safety Cabinet

Microprocessor Control System, Programmable

Biological safety cabinet Class III is 100% exhaust type, it ensures that there is no contamination on the samples and no air leakage to laboratory environment. It is the necessary equipment in BSL-4 laboratory.

Excellent Filtration System

  1. Ambient air is pulled into the cabinet through a pre-filter G4 which can trap larger particles and prolong the main filter service life.

  2. Air is passed through the downflow HEPA filter into the work zone as a vertical laminar flow air stream. The uniform non-turbulent air stream protects the samples against cross contamination in work area.

  3. The downflow air stream near the work surface splits and exits the chamber through perforations around work zone.

  4. Air from work zone passes through the first exhaust HEPA filter below the work surface, before traveling through internal Ducting. Then the filtered air passing through the second exhaust HEPA filter located above the cabinet's main chamber to outside environment.

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